Banana pudding

I didn’t get very good pictures of this, but let me assure you, it was consumed with gusto. I grew up eating homemade banana pudding and have been so disappointed at what passes for that nowadays, which uses instant pudding and instant whipped cream. The real thing involves cooking custard and making meringue or homemade whipped cream, and is rich, custardy, and reminiscent of real bananas. So I finally stopped complaining about it and dug up a recipe that looks like my aunt’s. It’s from Taste of Southern, and when I looked around on this site, I recognized many of the dishes from what I ate as a kid around here. I really look forward to trying more of them – although spaced out for the sake of my waistline, I think.

Maybe next time I make it we can manage to get better pictures before we devour it.


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